Sunday, September 16, 2007

little setbacks

So, I had a little set-back last night. I was put on oral pain meds instead of IV and I vomited. Yes, it hurt like HELL! I was delirious with pain, but my nurse was with me the whole time, helping me relax. Today I am doing better, just ice chips for now, maybe we'll add some jello and broth again tomorrow. I am back on IV drugs for pain now, much better.
I also had an allergic reaction to the pouching system for my ileostomy. I was dressed with a pouch lined with a "caulking"-like substance called Stomahesive paste, and it caused almost an immediate reaction. My skin is red and weepy, and some skin has pulled off with the wafer. The nurses (ET) have discountinued the current system and placed me on a different brand, and they assure me that I will not go home until the skin problem is resolved. I'm grateful for that. I feel too beat up to even think about going home right now.
Mike is with me almost constantly, he has been so helpful. I feel sorry for patients that can't have family members with them to help and encourage. He's been super brave.